Saturday, 26 December 2015

Rhodes Statue at Oxford

Tony Abbott is complaining about the Rhodes Statue possibly being moved, that is laughable.
They should check the facts with the Rhodes Trust as to the propriety of calling Abbott a Rhodes Scholar.

I believe the trust is conducting an inquiry into Mr Abbott's Rhodes Scholarship application and his entering Oxford.

Mr Abbott was born British, born in London to a British father made him automatically British.  He was given Australian citizenship by descent in June 1981 making him a dual citizen and entered Oxford University as a British citizen in October 1981. 
Entering Oxford as a Briton may be in breach of Rhodes Trust rules.  I have asked the Trust to investigate but they have yet to get back to me.  The only possible reason for him doing that woudl be to claim British student allowances.

Mr Abbott's Australian citizenship by descent is currently being investigated by Peter Dutton the Minister for Immigration in Australia.  Mr Abbott did not actually fill out the application form his mother did.  This is in breach of the Immigration department rules that say an adult must make their own application.  He may lose his Australian citizenship and with that his Rhodes Scholarship and his parliamentary status.

The other problem with believing Mr Abbott is that if his citizenship is deemed OK, even with his mother filling in the form for him, he is a dual national and that is in breach of the Australian constitution.

He has signed 8 false declarations with the Australian Electoral Commission, but with the way the electoral act is written the AEC can not ask about breaches of the constitution and the Australian Federal Police can not ask about breaches of the constitution because the AEC is precluded form doing the same.

Rupert Murdoch owns the Australian government and most journalists in this country are desperate to get a job with NewsCorp so they refuse to consider running the story.

Check yourself.  These links will give you all the information you need and perhaps your asking Rhodes Trust what is going on with the inquiry you might be able to get answers that they refuse to provide to me.

Letter to the Attorney Generals department, the actual AG Senator Brandis is protecting Abbott because they are old Oxford mates

The citizenship file from the National Archives of Australia shows his mum signed the forms.  This link has the Immigration department rules for who fills in the form.

This has the birth certificate & Oxford FOI

The petitions to parliament to find out about his breach of S44 of the constitution.  Mr Brough the Special Minister for State has refused to respond to the petitions because it would incriminate Mr Abbott.  I have that phone call recorded, but as that may be illegal in Australia I cant give that to you.
Mr Turnbull is the Prime Minister and this is the letter sent to him explaining Mr Abbotts criminality and asking he do something about it.

This new petition was posted to Dr Jensen MP to be presented to parliament next year. 

This letter was sent to the Rhodes Trust before finding out Mr Abbott's mother actually filled in his citizenship forms.

The Rhodes statue should stay but not because a criminal fraud demanded it.

I do hope you can enjoy this over christmas, have a wonderful time

Oliver or was it Fagan? Got to pick a pocket or two

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