Sunday, 6 December 2015

Another letter to Brough, SMOS

I have emailed you asking about the petitions presented in parliament on 23 November and given to the SMOS to action. I have rung 3 times and been told 3 times someone will get back to me. 

Why are you doing exactly what Senator Ronaldson did? 

Is its SMOS policy to ignore anyone who mentions S44 of the constitution? 

You have enough problems with the AFP investigating you over the Ashby affair, why do you risk more charges by covering up the crime of fraud? In Queensland it is a crime under out Crimes act with I think 7 years imprisonment,the LNP increased the severity of the punishment just a few years back.

Lying to the AEC by a potential MP that they comply with the constitution is very serious, but to do it 8 times over a 21 year period is extraordinary. Mr Abbott knew he was a dual citizen, he entered Oxford University as a British citizen 4 months after getting Australian citizenship by descent. The Australian citizenship by descent begins when the Minister, Ian Macphee at the time, signs the approval not from birth. 

Mr Abbott has a law degree from Sydney University, same place as Mr Turnbull so has no excuse for not understanding the law. 

A copy of Mr Abbott's British birth certificate is here along with the FOI from Oxford University and the file cover of his Australian citizenship application. The National Archives are reluctant to release the citizenship papers because of some legal impropriety they contain. Perhaps you can get a look at them or ask Mr Dutton? I have asked Mr Dutton but he refuses to respond to me. 

Why such a cover up of crimes committed to get into parliament? This is by far the most outrageous crime or series of crimes ever committed in the Westminster style of parliament. Nothing in the entire history of our parliamentary system comes close to what Mr Abbott has done and what you continue to cover up. 

Will you ask Mr Abbott to show proof of his British citizenship renunciation? He was born British and the only way he can get rid of the British is to fill in a form and pay a fee to the Home Office in London.

Will you allow the AEC or some other authority to monitor, police and prosecute breaches of S44 of the constitution? 

Your job, as Mr Turnbull pointed out in parliament, is to uphold the integrity of parliament and this government. Hiding a crime to protect a mate is not upholding the integrity of anything. 

I do look forward to your replying to my email or at least giving one of the phone calls promised by your staff. Even more I look forward to the Australian law being upheld by all and not just those of us who aren't politicians. 

The letter will be published as have all communications to you. 

Any response will also be published. 


 Tony Magrathea

that bit at the end of my blogs asking for pennies, thanks

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