Friday, 19 December 2014

Arthur Sinodinos

Emailed the good senator today :-

Hon Senator Sinodinos

Dear Senator
You are in the processes of exploring the workings of ICAC and are probably the most experienced person to talk to about crimes by politicians, not that you have done any, but you have first hand knowledge of the process of finding out about crimes by MPs.

How should someone approach an MP who has lied to the AEC about their nationality and signed 8 false declarations to get into parliament? It is well beyond a simple mistake, it is a concerted effort to defraud the Australian people.  It is no longer a mere electoral problem, fraud is a very serious crime and many MPs are actively helping cover up this persons frauds.

Should MPs act within the law or are they a law unto themselves?  Should MPs call for this person to resign and face the courts or doesn't it matter for members of parliament?

The MP was born overseas and got Australian citizenship in the 80's.  His parliamentary office has confirmed he hasn't renounced his foreign citizenship.

I do hope you can provide some advice


Tony Magrathea

Will be interesting to see if I get a reply.

If you want to keep me out of poverty, please send a penny or two.  I am one of those pov-liners who can't afford to drive a car and for who a cup of coffee or a glass of beer is out of the question.

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