If you want to keep me out of poverty, please send a penny or two. I am one of those pov-liners who can't afford to drive a car and for who a cup of coffee or a glass of beer is out of the question.
Democracy in Australia needs a rethink.
The problems or not problems evident in Tony Abbott’s missing form
RN, the renunciation of his British citizenship, means the parliament
must have an audit of citizenship. If the Prime Minister can be doubted
then why believe anyone else?
All politicians born overseas must provide proof they have renounced
their foreign citizenships and anyone found not to have followed the
rules and our constitution should be removed from parliament and banned
from running for office ever again. Then the cops should be brought in
to prosecute for whatever crimes have been committed and all monies paid
to that person be recovered and they lose all rights to superannuation.
After all that is done we must look at the actual system of
democracy. In 2013 the senate threw up quite a few different senators
and I like that. There is no way I agree with half of the new senators
politics but that’s what the system is all about. I would like to see
peoples representatives put into the senate annually. Just 20 a year
and they serve for only one year. Three from each state and one from
each territory, all chosen by lot from the electoral roll. The
selection would happen on the last day of parliamentary sittings in the
calendar year and they begin their job as a senator of and for the people
on the first sitting day.
The would have all the rights and privileges of any other senator
except the length of time they are required to serve. This will give
the senate a new look where it actually has people and not political
parties as the centre of attention. You might get rapists and robbers
in the job but you will also get great thinking individuals who have
never had the chance to shine.
Further thought should be given to proper proportional representation
so that if a party gets 32% of the vote they get 32% of the seats.
This is awkward for individuals who are outside the party system and
that’s where better knowledge than I have should be brought to play.
NSW the elephant murderer Robert Borsak has
brought a bill into the NSW parliament allowing property owners and
businesses two or more votes in the election of Sydney’s mayor. To me
that is disgraceful.
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